Turns out the professional Blogger for the Huff Post is a fan of the Bangor PC, the Duck of Justice and Officer Cotton's writing style. The Facebook rules he breaks?


She writes for the Huff Post Business Blog:

"At first I was concerned there was too much text but after I clicked the "Read More" button I didn't care. It reminded me just how much people love stories. And to never be boring and predictable in a post. The longer post makes a case for organic versus contrived: If it's coming from the heart and people can relate to it, forget about keywords, the eight second rule and the suggested 40 character limit.

Cotton also makes good use of imagery. Not every post comes with a picture, defying the first Facebook rule that image is everything to a good post. When he does post photos they include police officer selfies, department mascot sightings, photos with civilians and video clips and pictures involving the latest unsolved crime. Funny, clever, cute and engaging. It was the mascot posts with the Duck of Justice, or DOJ as they refer to him at the station, that got the page on the map with 20,000 likes last year. And last month a police officer selfie with a runaway dog poking his head out of the back of the cruiser went viral with more than 9,100 Facebook likes and was even featured on Buzzfeed and Time Magazine's news feed. Pretty impressive!"

I like that she is such a fan of our small town PD guess the "power rings" are working.

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