Maybe the thought of being cooped-up all winter with your family or room mates has you feeling down. This posting on Craigslist is meant to give you hope for socialization and recreation when you are too lazy to shovel yourself out of the house. This table must have special appeal to those of you with a penchant for drinking games, because to me it's just a plain old table. I might use it for crafting, or for folding clothes. If this table speaks to you and is whispering that it wants to move into your basement, then click onto this link. If you are willing to pay $100 for a beer pong table, then you may be interested in some leftover Red Solo Cups from our summer cook out. You can reach me here at WBLM and we can begin negotiations. There are names on some of them, but you can scribble those out. Fine tune those motor skills, The Farmer's Almanac says it's going to be a long, cold winter of beer pong.

What do you do indoors during bad weather? Leave a comment on our Fan Page, or tweet us #indoorsports.

I lose at quarters every time.


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