wet phone


You've spent hundreds of dollars on your phone and your life is on it, then SPLASH! Tragedy!!! All is not lost if you act quickly. Here are some Do's and Don'ts:

  1. Turn it off and don't turn it on to see if it still works, pressing buttons could push liquid farther in to the device.
  2. Remove the SIM card and anything else that can be removed. SIM cards can survive getting wet, but they won't survive heat. Never try to dry your phone with heat!
  3. Suck out the liquid. The video below shows you how to do it!

4.  Place the phone and all of it's seperate parts like the battery, in an airtight zip-             lock bag for 3 days to draw out moisture.

5.  If you feel that one of these suggestions has worked and you are confident that          you've done all that you can do, then try turning it on.

6.  Find out if your warranty is still valid.

iPhones don't have a removable battery but this video has some great ideas for drying them out.

Phones are so expensive and they hold so much information, pictures and conveniences, that it's worth it to do everything you can to save it! Learn what to do before you need it.

Any other tips to save a wet phone? Share them on our Fan Page or tweet #wetphone


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