The Baranyi Clan went upta' camp a couple of weeks back and enjoyed a good camp fire complete with 'smores. The next morning I made some pancakes before we packed up the car to head home. The kids were probably still on a sugar high from the night before when they began pleading for 'smores pancakes. We cut up Hershey bars, crushed the graham crackers and sprinkled in mini marshmallows to create a breakfast that inspired a paleo diet upon our return home!  It was a fun upta' camp treat that we would never make at home but became a highlight of the weekend for the kids.

When I was a kid we all went to my great Uncle Joe's camp. We would make maple syrup outside in a huge pot under the birch trees in the fall, and play cards inside on rainy days. Every single time we went to camp Memere would bring a yellow sheet cake with maple-walnut frosting. Uncle Joe would pop multi colored Indian popcorn over the campfire. Those are special memories for me.

Do you and your family have a recipe that you only make when you are camping or are at camp? Share it with us on our Fan Page or tweet, #campfood.

'Smores pancakes are now on the camp menu.


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