On Thursday, the Lisbon Water Department announced a 'do not drink' order for the town's water.

Over the last few weeks, they have been working to correct the issue, but it has persisted.  Despite flushing the system, a higher-than-normal amount of particulates remained in the system.

Additionally, it was announced that boiling the water before using it would not make it safe to use.

The announcement said, in part:

Due to unsafe drinking water conditions, Lisbon Water Department consumers are directed to Not Drink the Water. This includes making ice cubes, food preparation, brushing teeth or any activity involving consumption of water. This Order shall remain in effect until further notice!

Fortunately, there is water available for those affected by the problem.

According to a press release from the Town of Lisbon, they have acquired pallets of water to be given out to the customers of the Lisbon Water Department.

The press release says, in part:

Pallets of water have been acquired to distribute to customers serviced by the Lisbon Water Department. On Friday, August 30th from 7:30 AM until 7:30 PM the Lisbon Emergency Response Team and volunteers will be at the Lisbon Public Works Department where affected residents can get a supply of bottled water. You may also pick up for those who can't drive to the distribution center. One case per household. Our supply is limited and will be available on a first come, first served basis.

To get water, stop by 14 Capital Avenue in Lisbon.  The press release explains that people will be directed to a loading area at the front of the Public Works entrance.  Once you are given your water, you'll follow the loop to exit the public works campus.

If you have questions, you can call 207.522.0909.

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