A couple weeks ago I gave Justin Peters a call and asked him if he'd ever heard of the 1977 Japanese children's book, Everyone Poops by Tarō Gomi. He giggled that signature giggle and said, "Yuh."
So far we’ve heard Maine storytelling about his favorite drink, what he wants to be when he grows up and gone turkey huntin’ with him. We’ve also learned that he can’t understand why the food hasn’t shown up yet, when nobody else is there for take-out and the "proper" way to cut wood.
So far we've heard Maine storytelling about his favorite drink, what he wants to be when he grows up and gone turkey huntin' with him. We've also learned that he can't understand why the food hasn't shown up yet, when nobody else is there for take-out.
When Blimpville sees Justin Peters face and hears him talk like a wicked old time Mainah, everyone wants to be a part of it. He has fast become a viral video star. Not just in Maine, but all over place. We love this kid!
When Blimpville sees Justin Peters face and hears him talk like a wicked Mainah, everyone wants to be a part of it. We love this kid! And now WBLM is proud to bring another episode of ‘Little Peters’ Words of Wisdom’. In this video, Justin has another aspiration of what he wants to be when he grows up...a truck drivah!
A few weeks back, we featured the video of Justin Peters talking about Maine's beloved soda, Moxie. And we learned that "it's a man's drink" and "it'll put hair on your body". The video is now at almost 30,000 views on YouTube and Justin is gaining fans not just in Maine, but all over the country!