national weather service

More Snow In Store for Maine on Tuesday
More Snow In Store for Maine on Tuesday
More Snow In Store for Maine on Tuesday
So far, winter in 2018 is giving it to us all at once. And now that a lot of snow has melted, here we go with another storm tomorrow night into Wednesday. So, how much we gonna get?
Hey Mainah! How’s That Roof Look?
Hey Mainah! How’s That Roof Look?
Hey Mainah! How’s That Roof Look?
Rooftops on homes and businesses all over Maine were covered by heavy snow in last week's storm. We took a look at our's as we pulled out of the driveway this morning and luckily it gets a bunch of sun, so it's pretty clear. Other folks might not be that fortunate.
A Second Maine Snowstorm on Two for Tuesday
A Second Maine Snowstorm on Two for Tuesday
A Second Maine Snowstorm on Two for Tuesday
Just as we get cleaned up from the first one, we're goin' back for seconds with more snow falling tonight through tomorrow. Here's the latest on accumulations from the National Weather Service.
Snow Today in Maine?
Snow Today in Maine?
Snow Today in Maine?
When you stepped outside this morning it felt like it might happen, huh. Well here's a look at where we might see it fall today. You gettin' any?

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