
Celeste’s Cellar of Technological Relics!
Celeste’s Cellar of Technological Relics!
Celeste’s Cellar of Technological Relics!
We do not clean out our basement, because we have a cellar. Our house was built in 1900, it even has a little root cellar room. Now, this is not an old Sea Captain's house, this is your standard New Englander with a Farmer's porch and no fancy would trim inside...
Grandma Misses Manners, Loves Facebook!
Grandma Misses Manners, Loves Facebook!
Grandma Misses Manners, Loves Facebook!
Talking to grandparents is fun, you never know what they are going to say. You get the unfiltered truth, as they see it- and they have seen a lot! A new survey asked Nana and Papas what they thought has gotten better, and gotten worse, over the years...
How to Save Your Wet Cell Phone! [VIDEO]
How to Save Your Wet Cell Phone! [VIDEO]
How to Save Your Wet Cell Phone! [VIDEO]
You've spent hundreds of dollars on your phone and your life is on it, then SPLASH! Tragedy!!! All is not lost if you act quickly. Here are some Do's and Don'ts: Turn it off and don't turn it on to see if it still works, pressing buttons could push liquid farther in to the device. R ... Read More ...
Bands Playing Instruments Made on a 3D Printer! [VIDEO]
Bands Playing Instruments Made on a 3D Printer! [VIDEO]
Bands Playing Instruments Made on a 3D Printer! [VIDEO]
I'll be honest, it took me quite a while to wrap my mind around 3D printing. It's truly amazing, and now almost anything can be produced using one. Including musical instruments! You have complete create control of the look of your instrument, without the limitations of regular production...
Essential Items for Daily Life, Showering is Only Second!
Essential Items for Daily Life, Showering is Only Second!
Essential Items for Daily Life, Showering is Only Second!
When I think about the basic necessities of every day life, the top of my list is a warm shower with a fresh bar of Dove soap! Unfortunately, in a new survey personal hygiene has fallen into second place-behind the internet! If the person next to you in a meeting smells like hot garbage, you can blame it on excellent internet speed...
Do You Have an Old Timey Landline? [PHOTO]
Do You Have an Old Timey Landline? [PHOTO]
Do You Have an Old Timey Landline? [PHOTO]
Our house is 114 years old, only has one bathroom, and yes, we have a landline phone. This is a picture of one of our phones and our new, skinny phone book. The IHOP menu is thicker than that! With iPhone 6 and its companions joining the party, I have to ask, do you have a landline...
Check out new mouse!
Check out new mouse!
Check out new mouse!
Mice are cute, but they can be tricky. Battries die, those little balls in the old-timey ones get stuck and a bad mouse can make your time on the 'puter a stinking challenge. I now introduce to you the future of the mouse. Ta da! It's your arm...