
Which Was Better, the T.V. Show or the Book?
Which Was Better, the T.V. Show or the Book?
Which Was Better, the T.V. Show or the Book?
I think that the first book that I watched as a T.V. series was the Laura Ingalls Wilder series, "Little house on the Prairie". It was pretty harsh as a child, to witness the brutality of daily life back in the "olden days". The series did a good job of translating the series, and when I read the books I recognized the characters and felt a familiarity, sympathy and respect for
Television Christmas Specials for the Weekend! [VIDEO]
Television Christmas Specials for the Weekend! [VIDEO]
Television Christmas Specials for the Weekend! [VIDEO]
Frosty the Snowman is on tomorrow night! This is a year 'round family favorite at my house, we've had to buy the D.V.D. twice! Here is the listing for the weekend of holiday programming that you might want to enjoy. Friday, December 12th: 7:30pm The Santa Claus (Tim Allen,1994, ABC Family) 8:00pm Debbie Macomber's Mr ... Read More ...

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