
What Are You Reading On Maine Beaches? Paperback or E-reader?
What Are You Reading On Maine Beaches? Paperback or E-reader?
What Are You Reading On Maine Beaches? Paperback or E-reader?
I was at Pine Point last weekend with some friends enjoying my trashy beach read, when the E-reader VS. Paperback conversation began. I am old school, I love having a book in my hands and I've been known to run into Hannaford's at nine o'clock at night to pick one up if I need something to read before bed...
Shopping in So Po? Don’t Forget Your Reusable Bags!
Shopping in So Po? Don’t Forget Your Reusable Bags!
Shopping in So Po? Don’t Forget Your Reusable Bags!
I was stoked when they packed my groceries in free reusable bags at Hannaford last week! Wow, my Mill Creek store is really stepping it up! It turns out that they were preparing customers for the transition from single use bags to reusable bags...
Flash Mob Sighting
Flash Mob Sighting
Flash Mob Sighting
Over the weekend in Bangor, a Flash Mob broke out at a Hannaford Supermarket. Typically, Flash Mobs involve a group of people spontaneously dancing in a public place. This one was different.