5 Questions for Sony Michel That Won’t Make You Roll Your Eyes
Sony Michel, the touchdown-scoring big game-winning rookie from the Patriots, is coming to Portland tomorrow! You can still get tickets to the event and I've got some questions you can ask him that will set you apart from the crowd (enough of those "How did you feel after scoring the winning touchdown?" questions).
1) What movie from your childhood most influenced your life?
This can tell you a lot about a person. At 24 years old, Sony Michel came of age in the late 90s. Was he a die-hard Star Wars nerd? An introspective Matrix man or an Iron Giant softie? Does he drop references to Office Space? We need to know.
2) What's something you've always wanted to try but haven't yet?
This is the beginning of what could be Sony's ground-breaking career. Who knows; he could be the next Tom Brady! Tom started as an unknown who was put in on an off day and never stopped winning. Sony's fame is about to blow up and a lot of doors are going to open for him. What is he going to do with it?
3) What's the most embarrassing way you've been injured?
Playing professional football is a dangerous game, but the ways we manage to injure ourselves in our daily lives can often top risking a concussion on the field. Let's hear your worst, Sony!
4) What's Your Most Useless Talent?
Enough about the football skills, guy. I wanna hear Sony whistle with his nose or hop one like through his other looped leg.
5) What's the best/worst advice you've ever been given?
"Never change" was the worst advice given to me. Why wouldn't you want to change as you grow up?! I'm sure in his current situation, Sony gets unsolicited advice left and right. Let's hear the best and worst of it!