An Amazing 700+ Mainers to Participate in the 2022 Special Olympics Maine Law Enforcement Torch Run
A very important event is finally back in person, following a two year hiatus due to the pandemic.
Law Enforcement Torch Run
Special Olympics Maine announced on social media that the annual Maine Law Enforcement Torch Run will be back to full speed ahead. With vaccination numbers high in Maine, the organization and law enforcement agencies are ready to get back to normalcy for this very important event.
The Maine Law Enforcement Torch Run is a huge fundraising and awareness campaign for Special Olympics Maine. According to the event planners, over 700 of Maine's finest law enforcement agents will be hitting the pavement to help out with this awesome event.
According to the Special Olympics, the Torch Run began in 1981 in Wichita, Kansas, as a way to get law enforcement involved with the Special Olympics. The event quickly took off and became the national sensation it is today. The entire relationship is summed up nicely on Special Olympics Maine's website:
For athletes and officers alike, the Law Enforcement Torch Run® for Special Olympics is a story of success, love, respect and commitment between law enforcement officers and Special Olympics athletes.
The Torch Run is officially underway here in Maine. Special Olympics Maine posted the schedule for today on its Facebook page.
This is just another awesome event to see so many get involved with. These two very important organizations are coming together to continue the wonderful work Special Olympics has brought to so many people in Maine and across the country. And, as crucial as the remote events were during the pandemic, there's no question that 700+ law enforcement agents back in person for the relay is a welcome sight.
For more info on the Torch Run or other Special Olympics events, make sure to follow them on Facebook.