Avid Hikers Rank 25 of Maine’s Most Beautiful Hiking Trails
Maine Hiking Trails
There's a laundry list of stuff to love about Northern New England. From the foliage in the fall -- and really, the changing of the seasons overall -- to the gorgeous mountains all around us, the beaches, the lighthouses, the seafood, the professional sports teams; you name it, it's here, and it's loved and probably taken advantage of.
And with the way the weather has been lately throughout the area, more and more social media accounts are seeing pictures posted of hikes or mountain tops, mainly because we arguably have the best area in the country to get out and experience nature.
While it's a pretty commonly known and widely agreed upon fact that Baxter State Park probably has the most beautiful hiking trails in Maine, it's also a known fact that there are tons of other hiking trails that also give amazingly breathtaking views that lie outside of BSP. And that was the topic for a recent post on the Maine Reddit page.
While the casual internet user doesn't necessarily follow Reddit, users that do and are frequent posters tend to be passionate about most topics they comment on. Which means that when Reddit users are posting on a thread about the best hiking trails in Maine, you pay attention because more often than not, they're avid hikers themselves so they know what's up first hand.
Between Reddit user suggestions and descriptions provided by MaineTrailFinder, enjoy a list of 25 of the most beautiful trails in Vacationland to tackle during hiking season!