Can’t Hold It? Here’s a List of All the Public Bathrooms in Portland, Maine
Nothing will ruin an outing like having to pee like a racehorse.
Well, bring that horse to 30 different public restrooms in Portland! Go ahead and visit the big city, they've got you covered in the number one and number two business!
Portland knows that when you get the calling, you may not be at a business that wants to help you out. Many times, bathrooms in businesses are for paying customers only. Plus, what business wants you to visit just to empty your bladder?
The City of Portland just opened up its final two public restrooms. The one above is at the Payson Park basketball courts. The other is at Evergreen Cemetery at the Duck Pond.
Of the thirty public restrooms, there are 16 portable toilets, 9 flush toilets, and 5 vaulted toilets. I had to look up what a vaulted toilet was because I had no idea. Thanks, Google:
A vault toilet is a permanent Waterless Bathroom that sits above a vault or “pit” that is serviced by a waste management company. Vault restrooms do not require plumbing or electricity but need vehicle access to service them.
The picture of the Evergreen Cemetary public bathroom is a vaulted one! Go figure. Actually, just go. I cannot confirm nor deny the condition of any of the public toilets. Obviously, the type will determine what the condition will be. You don't have a lot of choice in a porta-potty. But, it sure beats holding it!
Check out the map of all the public bathrooms! Plan that trip to the park, library, or even Peaks Island, and know that a bathroom is never that far away.