Celeste Has Hilarious Case of Chronic Lyricosis for “The Stroke”
It was a funny moment this morning on the WBLM morning show when Celeste started signing The Stroke from Billy Squier. You can hear the Captain giggling as they come on air and let the world know how Celeste was mis-singing the lyrics! it happens all the time to us and it's called CHRONIC LYRICOSIS. Listen here...
Here ya go Celeste....follow along here!
Wednesday on the WBLM Morning Show we want to hear about your case of Chronis Lyricosis.
Dirty deeds and the dunder kings...
There's a bathroom on the right...
I'll never leave your pizza burning...
Still not sure if you have a case of CL?? Here's a test. Follow along. If these lyrics make sense to you, you might have Chronic Lyricosis!