Check Out This Map To See the Latest COVID-19 Cases In Every Maine Zip Code
The Maine CDC has just updated this map with the cumulative number of COVID-19 cases by zip code. The data is as of June 21. This is a really handy map where you can scroll around over each town to get the latest information.
Here are some of the Zip Codes and their COVID-19 Count:
Lewiston: 291
Auburn: 102
Freeport: 14
Lisbon Falls: 6
Gray 21
Falmouth: 115
Windham: 43
Scarborough: 99
Portland 04103: 235
Portland 04101: 232
Portland: 04102: 146
South Portland: 142
Saco: 68
Biddeford: 70
Old Orchard Beach 30
Sanford: 20