Classic Lunch: Double-Shots From Some Of Classic Rock’s Best Double-Live Sets!
Two-Fer-Tuesday lunch break at the diner went deep 'n l-o-n-g for an All Live Special...
The "Make Mine a Double! [All Live Edition]" Menu: "Rock And Roll All Nite" + "Strutter" - Kiss {Alive!} / "Turn The Page" + "I've Been Workin'" - Bob Seger & The Silver Bullet Band {Live Bullet} / "Domino" + "I Just Want To Make Love To You" - Van Morrison {It's Too Late To Stop Now} / "Do You Feel Like We Do" + "I Wanna Go To The Sun" - Peter Frampton {Frampton Comes Alive!}
Tomorrow (Wed., 2/8): The "Eyes Have It!" Menu. Could last for more than one lunch session, just a hunch...Classic Lunch idea's and requests and what-have-you's are always welcome, so share away with us right here on the web site and on the WBLM Facebook page. And Thank You, Thank You Very Much.