...from the decade that gave us Sally Ride, the Macintosh computer and a newspaper called "USA Today"...

Roger Dean artwork for Asia's 1982 debut album. (Courtesy of Geffen Records)
Roger Dean artwork for Asia's 1982 debut album. (Courtesy of Geffen Records)

The "All You Can Eat -- '80's!" Menu: "Best Of Both Worlds" + "Good Enough" - Van Halen (1986; '5150' LP) / "Heat Of The Moment" + "Only Time Will Tell" - Asia (1982; Self-titled debut) / "Looks That Kill" + "Shout At The Devil" - Motley Crue (1983; 'Shout At The Devil' LP) / "Orange Crush" + "Turn You Inside Out" - R.E.M. (1988; 'Green') / "Heaven's On Fire" + "Thrills In The Night" - Kiss (1984; 'Animalize') / "I'm On Fire" + "Glory Days" - Bruce Springsteen (1984; 'Born In The U.S.A.')

Tomorrow (Wed., 3/22): The "Hit The Highway!" Menu. There's more here than you might first think actually. Classic Lunch suggestions? Write 'em down and send 'em in right here on the web site and the WBLM Facebook page. Y'know, we get kinda lonely when ya don't play along...


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