Classic Lunch: The “Bands & Artists Named After Food” Menu
Total Turkey Day preps in progress...
The "Bands Named After Foods" Menu: "Crossroads" (live) + "I Feel Free" - Cream / "All Revved Up With No Place To Go" + "Paradise By The Dashboard Light" - Meat Loaf / "Don't Fear The Reaper" + "Burning For You" - Blue Oyster Cult / "Let 'Em In" + "Junior's Farm" - Wings / "Just Between You 'N Me" + "I Like To Rock" - April Wine
"If a fellow isn't thankful for what he's got, he isn't likely to be thankful for what he's going to get." - Frank A. Clark
Tomorrow (Wed., 11/21), The "Songs With Food In The Title" Menu. From appetizers to desserts, yes indeed...You know what to do: send your Classic Lunch idea's to the web site here and WBLM Facebook page. Elastic waistband pantaloons highly recommended T.F.N.