Classic Lunch: The “Name’s The Same” Menu…
...but that's all these songs have in common! Fun for the whole family!
The "Name's The Same!" Menu: "Hey You" - Pink Floyd / "Hey You" - Bachman-Turner Overdrive / "Jailbreak" - AC/DC / "Jailbreak" - Thin Lizzy / "Changes" - David Bowie / "Changes" - Yes / "Fire" - The Jimi Hendrix Experience / "Fire" - The Crazy World Of Arthur Brown / "Somebody To Love" - Queen / "Somebody To Love" - Jefferson Airplane / "Saturday Night" - Eagles / "Saturday Night" - Herman Brood & His Wild Romance
"The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their right names." - Unknown
Tomorrow (2-Fer-Tues., 11/27), The "Long And Short Of It" Menu: First song of the two-fer has a seven-minute minimum length requirement, while the second song of the double-shot cannot exceed the two-and-a-half minute mark! Classic Lunch suggestions always more than welcome here on the web site and WBLM Facebook page. Off ya go...