Classic Lunch: The “Space Force!” Menu
How to really make it the final frontier...
The "Space Force!" Menu: "Walking On The Moon" - The Police / "Space Station #5" - Montrose / "Starman" - David Bowie / "Space Truckin'" - Deep Purple / "Starship Trooper" - Yes / "Rocket Man" - Elton John / "Space Cowboy" - The Steve Miller Band / "2000 Light Years From Home" - The Rolling Stones
Tomorrow (2-Fer-Tues., 8/14), The "(Parenthetically Speaking)" Menu. Another English/Grammar lesson as part of the Blimp diner's public service back-to-school initiative. Yeah. Classic Lunch idea's? Send 'em to the web site here and/or the WBLM Facebook page. Always wear your seatbelt.
"It's a very sobering feeling to be up in space and realize that one's safety factor was determined by the lowest bidder on a government contract." - Alan Shepard