Geek Out on Sgt. Pepper with The Captain at MECA on Thursday
Thursday is the 50th anniversary of the release of Sgt Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band by the Beatles! We will be celebrating all day on the Blimp with "Pepper Sets" every hour. Now, if you really want to geek out on this landmark release, join us at the Maine College of Art from 7-9pm for a 50th Anniversary Gathering and Discussion. Hosted by the great Steve Drown, Assistant Professor, and Coordinator of the Bob Crewe Program in Art & Music at MECA, we will be discussing the album's music and its cultural impact. The panel includes such Beatles freaks as WCSH's Patt Callaghan, Bull Moose's Chris Brown, Allan Kozinn from the New York Times, music expert Mark Curdo and our own Captain of the Blimp. Herb Ivy. The best part of the evening may come AFTER the discussion when we will all get to listen to the new release of Sgt Pepper in 5.1 surround sound, at the beautiful MECA Recording Studio!
This is a FREE EVENT.
PEPPER is 50!