In the past, we have told you how Maine was once "home" to a series of super volcanoes.  Yes, about 420 million years ago, most of New England was a lot toastier.  Actually, it was literally on FIRE!  Actually, some of the land we are now living on is here as a result of all of that volcanic activity.

However, did you know you can still see these volcanoes?

According to Live Science, researchers at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst say a series of these volcanoes ran for about 100 miles up the coast of Maine.

So where can you see these volcanoes?  One of the easier-to-get-to places to see the remnants of these volcanoes is on Acadia National Park's Isle au Haut, a small island off the coast of Stonington, Maine.  While it is on island, there is a year-round ferry service that visits it.  In that particular case, the tectonic shifts have put the caldera on its side.  Just how massive was the Isle au Haut volcano?  The caldera (that's the crater opening) would have been 15 miles across.  The lava flow (now turned to stone) is more than three miles thick!  And on top of the lava is an ash flow that is over 3,000 feet thick.

Another place you can visit a volcano is Cranberry Island, located off the coast of Friendship, Maine.  The lava flow (not hardened into rock) is about 2,300 feet thick.

Have you ever visited these volcanic sites?  If you have, share your pictures and videos with us.

6 Maine Ghost Towns You Never Knew Existed

Considering the area that we now call the State of Maine has been inhabited for thousands of years (first by the Native Americans and later by European settlers) it shouldn't come as any surprise that we have a few "ghost towns" in our state. Here are six ghost towns listed by

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