Your friends at the Blimp are putting together an amazing radio event to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Woodstock this month.

To make sure it's amazing and all the more special, we need to hear from Blimpsters who actually there on Yasgur's Farm in 1969. WBLM wants you to be part of it!

We bet there will be some incredible tales of Peace, Love, and Music shared along the way too. Maybe there was even some messed up stuff that you remember.

  • What was your favorite performance?
  • What was the wildest thing you witnessed in the that sea of humanity?
  • Did you make any new friends out there?
  • Were you one of the naked people in the mud?
  • Did you stay away from the brown acid?

Just a few questions to get ya mind marinating.

So if you were at Woodstock, call the Guru (that's me) at 207-792-1029 weekday afternoons. We can't wait to hear YOUR story!

This right here is absolutely my favorite music moment from Woodstock. Let's elevate with Santana!



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