How to Prepare Your Home for the Record-Breaking Cold Weather Coming to Maine
We're about to get cold temperatures in Maine like nothing we've experienced in recent years. We're talking anywhere from 0° to -20° by 2 p.m. Friday and overnight into Saturday -25° or colder. That's not even counting wind chill temperatures which will make it feel as if it's -40° to -50°. You'll want to be prepared for this bitter cold, so here are some things you should keep in mind.
News Center Maine's Keith Carson went over some data on just how effective your heat pump is with extreme cold tempertures. If you have newer style heat pump, it will perform better that an older model as the temps drop, but even the top of the line models will see a reduction in performance.
Make sure you know where the valve to shut of your water is. If the worst should happen and a pipe in your home bursts, you'll want to shut that main off as quickly as you can.
Our shut off valve is right where the water pipe enters our home and below where the water meter is. You might find yours in the same location.
To prevent your pipes from freezing in the first place, turn on hot and cold faucets that are against outside walls just enough so that they trickle to keep the water moving so that it doesn't freeze. You can also open cabinet doors under the sink to let more heat in.
You may think that your PVC water pipes won't burst, but think again. According to Family Handyman, PVC pipes are more resistant to bursting that copper pipes, but they can still freeze and burst.
Heating fuel is crazy expensive, but don't let that make you keep your thermostat too low during this cold weather. Keep the heat on but don't let it go below 55°.
This storm will have wind invovled so make sure you have a plan if you should lose power. If your house starts getting too cold there are warming centers that you can go to near you. For a list, visit the Maine Emergecny Management Agency website.