How Would You Use This Beautiful Central Maine Church?
If you spend enough time on Maine real estate websites, you are bound to see some really unique properties. From ultra-modern seaside mansions, to 120 year old Victorian era homes, to warehouses for sale, to legit castles.
This, however, has to be one of the most unique properties we have ever seen for sale in Central Maine!
According to the Vallee Harwood & Blouin Real Estate listing, the Winthrop Center Friends Church has only had one owner since it was constructed in 1883. Wait! 139 years? Was the owner a vampire? No... While it doesn't say this is the case, we're assuming the "one owner" is the Church organization.
Located at 219 Winthrop Center Road, the building has nearly 4,000 square feet of usable space. There's a foyer, main auditorium, a large kitchen, dining area, plenty of storage space, and a concrete basement.
The parking lot has space for about 20 vehicles.
Take a look inside:
Winthrop Center Friends Church
So, what would you do with the property? Of course, you could use it as a church. There is probably an upstart church that does not have a real place to meet.
Alternatively, you could convert it to a really unique home. It is, after all, close to Winthrop, Augusta, Cobboseecontee Lake, and more.
Or, you could turn it into an event center or restaurant.
Of course, you'd need to check on the zoning before attempting any of these.
Personally, as the building spent so many years being used as a church, I would feel really strange using it for anything but a church. However, to each their own.
The price? Well, it is surprisingly cheap. As of November of 2022, the price was only $265,000. You can get more details from the real estate website HERE.
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