Deciding to attend college or which one to attend comes down to many factors, whether you're paying for it by yourself, through scholarships, grants, financial aid, or your parents are footing the bill.

Either way, someone is paying for it, and when I saw the results from 247 Wall Street of the most expensive college in each New England state, I was shocked.  None of those schools on that list every entered my mind, so I decided to do a bit of comparison shopping on studies.

Data is from the cost of tuition and fees, and includes books, room, and board, whether you have assistance or not. Clearly it's all relative with several factors. However, here we go with the 247 Wall Street results, where every single one surprised me versus College Tuition Compare.


Connecticut College/Wesleyan University Via Facebook
Connecticut College/Wesleyan University Via Facebook

If you assumed Yale University like I did, then oops.  Connecticut College is more pricey, according to 247 Wall Street.  However, according to College Tuition Compare, Wesleyan University is the priciest at almost $65,000 annually.  CC is around $63,000, and Yale $62,000.


University of New England/Colby College via Facebook
University of New England/Colby College via Facebook

University of New England is tops in the Pine Tree State.  I was so wrong on this one, too, assuming Bowdoin, Bates, or Colby were the most expensive.  However, according to College Tuition Compare, University of New England College is 6th with its $40,000 price tag, while the three I mentioned above are the priciest, landing between $61,000-$63,000 with Colby leading the way.


Emerson College/Tufts University via Facebook
Emerson College/Tufts University via Facebook

Did you guess Harvard, Tufts, Smith, or Boston College for the most expensive?  I certainly didn't have Emerson College at nearly $49,000.  However, according to College Tuition Compare, Tufts is the highest at around $65,000, with BC around $64,000.  Harvard isn't even on the top 10, and neither is Emerson, but Smith is.


Saint Anselm University/Dartmouth via Facebook
Saint Anselm University/Dartmouth via Facebook

Saint Anselm College at over $34,000 is the most expensive, and here I was sure Dartmouth was a given.  Well College Tuition Compare overwhelming has Dartmouth at $62,000, with Saint Anselm landing the #2 spot closer to $45,000.


Bryant University/Brown via Facebook
Bryant University/Brown via Facebook

Bryant University came in at around $40,000, where I was sure Brown was the most expensive.  And of course, College Tuition Compare says Brown is at around $65,000, with Bryant snagging the #4 spot at closer to $49,000.


Champlain College/Middlebury College via Facebook
Champlain College/Middlebury College via Facebook

Champlain College is the priciest at around $36,000.  And silly me, I thought Middlebury was the most expensive. And yes, according to College Tuition Compare, Middlebury is the priciest at around $62,000, with Champlain around $44,000 in the 5th spot.

Just goes to show you that there are plenty of variables involved, which is a good thing when planning a college career financially.

See 20 Ways America Has Changed Since 9/11

For those of us who lived through 9/11, the day’s events will forever be emblazoned on our consciousnesses, a terrible tragedy we can’t, and won’t, forget. Now, two decades on, Stacker reflects back on the events of 9/11 and many of the ways the world has changed since then. Using information from news reports, government sources, and research centers, this is a list of 20 aspects of American life that were forever altered by the events of that day. From language to air travel to our handling of immigration and foreign policy, read on to see just how much life in the United States was affected by 9/11.

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Stacker consulted 2021 data from the NOAA's State Climate Extremes Committee (SCEC) to illustrate the hottest and coldest temperatures ever recorded in each state. Each slide also reveals the all-time highest 24-hour precipitation record and all-time highest 24-hour snowfall.

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