Is This New Maine Restaurant Tip “Suggestion” Helpful, Or Tacky? [POLL]
I went out to lunch with my girls the other day and when the bill came I noticed a new "Suggested Gratuity" feature. What is this?! My first reaction was that it was tacky. I left my standard 20% but was aware that they had tried to up their game to 22%.
I rolled this new experience around in my mind for a while and remembered back to my 20's when one of the most awesome things that my best friend and I had found were credit card sized tip cards. It gave the run down of what we should tip. Back then 15% was the norm, and tipping 20% was for the high rollers and show boaters. It made tipping on my American Express tab after numerous Mudslides at the Naswa on Winnipesaukee much easier. Let's face it we needed help. What were we thinking drinking milk based cocktails in the sun?!
Along with folks that are terrible at math, I realized that some of our tourists aren't used to tipping and this might be a good cue for them to do so.
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