Is This What We Are Going to Wear to Go to Concerts in Maine?
I don't know about you but I am really missing concerts. The whole thing. Getting tickets for them. Looking forward to them. Discussing with friends what should and should not be on the setlist. The Pregame. The $8 beers. The time of my life! And this was going to be an epic summer. From Bangor to Boston. Now? Who knows. We are watching tons of virtual shows from Maine artists and they are awesome. But when do you think we will actually be inserting ourselves into the LEAST safe and sterile situation you can think of? And when we do, what will that be like?
Well, one company in California is thinking ahead as has come up with the Mircrashell. It's a helmet that you put on when you go into the show. The thinking is the venue would have these and you would get one when you arrive.
This thing is wild!
The Micrashell is airtight and only covers your upper body. And it has all kinds of crazy futuristic features:
- It's own ventilation system
- A camera
- Speakers
- A MUTE button to silence those around you. Hey, this is sounding pretty good. Especially when you go to an Aerosmith show where the stranger next to you thinks he can sing better than Steven Tyler!
Hey, my dream was always to be an astronaut or a rock star. This way I get to do a little of BOTH! The Micrashell is still in development, and the designers say they hope to have them ready to roll when concerts start happening again. But I don't know how this will go over in Maine. Something tells me we Mainers just won't go for something like this.
Plus, if you go to a Daft Punk show. How will you tell who's in the crowd and who's in the band?