It may be winter in Maine now, but don't worry, the mosquitoes will be back soon enough.


These freakin' blood-suckers are seemingly everywhere from May through September and there's little we can do about it.


However, because SCIENCE, there are some tips and tricks that can help you avoid being bitten by every single mosquito in existence this summer, and it all starts with the colors you choose to wear.

Might as while start planning early! It's like a Christmas gift to you that you can use in 2025.

According to a study from the University of Washington, the colors that you choose to wear on a mid-summer's day can have a direct result on how sexy you look to a passing mosquito.

Canva Pro
Canva Pro

There are some things that attract mosquitos that you just can't avoid. You know, like breathing. Yes, mosquitoes have a sixth sense (do they have the other five?) for the carbon dioxide that you exhale into the air. They sense the exhaled breath and know there could be a potential host nearby.

However, the pesky flying fun-suckers will then determine if the color you're wearing is that of a compatible host. The University of Washington went on to identify colors that mosquitoes find 'attractive'.

Canva Pro
Canva Pro

Those colors include red, orange, black and cyan. And for those of you, like me, who had no idea what color cyan is, it is pictured as a greenish-blue on a quick Google image search.

So what colors should we be wearing? Well, I guess anything except for those four. Maybe try wearing white or yellow for starters.

Will changing your summer wardrobe plans really help you get bitten less? I have no idea, but the University of Washington seems to think so. Why don't you give it a try and get back to us, okay?

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