You guys! I am so happy to announce that Maine's very famous and beloved lost grey pup seal is finally set to return home!

Haven't heard about it yet? Let me fill you in!

The original story is here, but I will give you a quick recap!

Marine Mammals of Maine posted back in January that the they had rescued a grey seal pup that was struggling after being separated from its mama. They found her just before a big storm hit near Reid State Park in Georgetown. She had managed to travel up to a quart of a mile through the woods, and they noticed her little tracks.

Despite being a bit of a challenge to catch, she made it safely to their center. They have been taking care of her for the last two months and helping her heal so she can make her way back home.

It was announced via WGME and Marine Mammals of Maine Facebook page that despite the pup being underweight and lost in the woods initially, she has undergone significant growth and has now returned home to the sea!

The article goes on to say that she mastered the art of eating fish, and finally becoming a much healthier seal.

So after a stint at Marine Mammals of Maine for recovery, the pup was successfully reintroduced into its natural habitat.

Congratulations to the entire team of people who took care of this beautiful creature! If you want to, you can donate to MMoME, because they solely rely mainly on donations. To donate, visit

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