The new employee is kinda lazy, and that's quite alright.

According to WABI5, the Aubuchon Hardware in Lincoln, Maine has an employee on the Humane Society board. But the manager was always a little skeptical about having a cat. But all the other Aubuchon stores have cats, so why not them? They finally did it and hired adopted a new kitty.

Aubuchon Hardware (245 West Broadway, Lincoln, ME) Facebook
Aubuchon Hardware (245 West Broadway, Lincoln, ME) Facebook

The interview WABI5 did with the assistant manager, Delany Kneeland, is hysterical. Delany told WABI5,

We got her Saturday morning, and we let her start roaming that night, and she was right up in customer's arms like cuddled right up to them. She’s very, very...she’s...I mean, she’s standing right there right now. But she’s a very personable cat. People will come in just to see the cat. It’s been awesome. I wanted a cat here for such a long time, and she was like, she’s the perfect, perfect choice. Honestly, come here. Hey, where are you going?

But the 'trainee' doesn't have a name. So the Lincoln Aubuchon is looking for suggestions. You can go to their Facebook page, or they suggest visiting the kitty so you can really get a good sense of a name.

Aubuchon Hardware (245 West Broadway, Lincoln, ME) Facebook
Aubuchon Hardware (245 West Broadway, Lincoln, ME) Facebook

There she is again, sleeping on the job. Oh wait, that IS her job! But what to call her? Right now the employees are fighting over the name. Delany has been calling her Miss Kitty, a little girl roamed the store for over an hour calling her Clover. Care Bear has also been suggested. This little one was adopted through the Penobscot Valley Humane Society.

Aubuchon Hardware (245 West Broadway, Lincoln, ME) Facebook
Aubuchon Hardware (245 West Broadway, Lincoln, ME) Facebook

I drive through Lincoln on my way to camp and you bet I'm stopping by to see Miss Kitty-Clover-Care Bear on the way!

50 Pictures Of New England Cats Found In Strange Places