This Dog Was Abandoned on a Maine Road and Here’s How to Never Do That
This is not about shaming, it's about options.
Back in mid-October, the Greater Androscoggin Human Society posted on their Facebook page something they normally wouldn't do right away. But Manfred was different. They found a stray dog on Route 2 and Andover Road in Rumford. They named him Manfred.
Someone reported finding Mandred with a harness/leash, blanket, and trusty sidekick stuffed animal on the side of the road. It's important to know why they posted pictures of Manfred with a description of how he was found. Not to shame anyone, as a post like this on Facebook would most certainly cause negative comments. It's upsetting, and they know that.
Greater Androscoggin Human Society was happy to take in this dog and give him what he needs and deserves. He was showered with love, attention, and care. They know that when Manfred is ready, he will find a very loving forever home.
They put Manfred on Facebook looking for information regarding this poor dog, and to spread a very important message:
As mentioned before, this post is not meant to judge; it's simply to help and raise awareness for this dog and so many others facing similar situations. This message is for absolutely anyone: if you need help, we, and other shelter/rescues, are here to assist, whether it's with supplies, food, vaccines, or even looking to surrender an animal. No animal deserves to be in this situation, so please never hesitate to contact us.
It's important not to judge. We don't know why Manfred was left on the side of the road. With the economic struggles and housing challenges, shelters have been inundated with dogs (and cats) needing to be surrendered, as well as an increase in stray dogs not being reclaimed. On top of that, dog adoptions have slowed greatly, and every kennel at the Greater Androscoggin Human Society shelter is full. They can go days without having a dog get adopted. It really is a rough situation right now. But despite the challenges, they never want to see a dog abandoned...ever.
Please, please, please seek help if you are struggling to take care of your pet. It has to be a gut-wrenching decision that you are no longer able to take care of your dog, but don't abandon them. Any animal shelter in Maine will help. That is their mission.
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