There's a good reason why consumers need to choose which credit card they carry in their wallet. From lower interest rates to increased rewards, there's a lot of factors when deciding on a credit card. But one key reason? Some credit cards are not accepted at small and large retailers in America, including many in Maine.

The most popular credit card company that falls under this umbrella is American Express. There's a handful of major companies that won't accept your AmEx card. For instance, the newly opened Costco in Scarborough does not accept American Express payments. Why?

Costco Posts Strong Quarterly Earnings
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According to Readers Digest, it all centers around money. Any time you use a credit card, there's an understanding between the company and the business that there will be a fee for the transaction.

Federal Government Grants American Express Bank Holding Status
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Visa and Mastercard charge the smallest transaction fees while American Express has one of the most expensive, often charging businesses double what Visa and Mastercard do per transaction.

This has led some major retailers like Costco to avoid American Express altogether. AmEx isn't alone, either. Discover cards are often not accepted at retailers because like American Express, their transaction fees tend to be higher than Visa and Mastercard.

Federal Government Grants American Express Bank Holding Status
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Most major retailers, hotels, and online businesses do accept American Express but you may run into more trouble at mom and pop retailers. Those small businesses have tighter margins, and small transactions on American Express cards may not be worth it in the long run.

Woman Making a Credit Card Purchase

Small businesses are often faced with the dilemma of accepting higher transaction fees on a less popular credit card or just not accepting that credit card altogether.

50 Largest Employers in Maine

Below is a list of the 50 largest employers in Maine. Some are locally owned, while others are national brands. These are provided by the Maine Department of Labor. The numbers are from 2022's 3rd quarter. They are the most recent available.

Gallery Credit: Chris Sedenka

The Top 10 Drunkest Cities in Maine

There’s no doubt about it, Maine likes to drink, but where in the Pine Tree State do Mainers like to drink the most? RoadSnacks did the math, and we’ve got the top 10 'drunkest' cities in Maine!

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