Jason Bonham Led Zep Experience Rocks AURA This Wednesday
WBLM welcomes back Jason Bonham and his Led Zeppelin Experience this Wednesday at AURA.
Now, there's a lot of great Zep tribute bands out there, but this one is special because family is involved. Jason is a great drummer and the music is amazing, but the real treat of this show is Jason talking and sharing personal stories about his father, John Bonham. Jason's perspective of John is quite different than what we fans see. He was Bonzo to us ut Dad to Jason. There's a very special spirit to these shows! Don't miss it and make sure the Zep fan in your life doesn't miss it either. The BEST thing about the show is the outpouring of love and spirit the audience gives back to Jason and the band. This IS as close to Zeppelin that we may ever get!