King Tide Caught on Video at Acadia National Park in Maine
What is a King Tide?
If you've never heard of a king tide, the National Ocean Service defines it as "non-scientific term people often use to describe exceptionally high tides." The National Ocean Service also goes on to say that higher than normal tides typically occur during a full or new moon.
According to the website nineplanets.org, yesterday, when the King Tide was seen in Acadia National Park, the moon was (and still is at the time of this writing) in a waxing crescent phase, being just 2 days removed from a new moon. And since, as mentioned above, higher than normal tides can occur during a new moon, it makes total sense why waves crashed on the land yesterday.
The King Tide was seen crashing at Schoodic Peninsula
The videos posted to Twitter by a Mainer named Lynn was tagged as being posted at Schoodic Peninsula. The first video shows a wave cruising toward land at a high rate of speed before colliding with a rock wall and crashing all over the roadway.
Lisa posted a second video from a different vantage point, which shows waves colliding with rocks and rock walls and crashing onto an observatory area.
Despite the wind and rain that no doubt had a hand in some of the King Tide wave crashes caught on camera yesterday, it remained unseasonably warm with highs reaching the mid-50s in some areas. New England weather truly at its best!