Listen: Disgruntled BDN Reader’s Voicemail About ‘Sick, Disturbed’ Stormy Daniels Story
Using words like "garbage-y" and phrases like "she's a real piece of work," a disgruntled subscriber of the Bangor Daily News recently called a reporter and left one heck of a voicemail, and said that he's cancelling his subscription.
He seemed to take issue with a story that was published in the BDN - and everywhere else - that Stormy Daniels, the porn star who was paid by president Donald Trump to keep silent about a sexual relationship while he was married, was scheduled to appear at a strip club in Portland this fall.
As far as we can tell, the Bangor Daily News article in question contained nothing but facts. But that didn't seem to deter this Trump supporter.
"Now, Stormy Daniels is a sex entertainer. She's a very sick, disturbed woman. It seems like your article, kinda is like you support her more than you do our forty-fifth and great President of the United States."
The reader goes on to lambaste the paper. "We find you unpatriotic, very insulting to American people, and very offensive to Christianity."
....This guy knows that Trump slept with this woman, right?
Maybe not.
He goes on to bash the Obamas and the Clintons, while asking why there isn't more positive coverage of Trump in the paper.
"Don't you want money and jobs," the reader asks. "Oh no, no," he continues. "You'd wanna advertise that this sex lady is gonna be in Portland. Oh, whoop dee doo. I'd rather hear about the president coming to Bangor or something."
They might have lost this guy's subscription, but they just gained mine!
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