Look Out, Stephen King: 10-Year-Old Maine Author is Gunning for Your Job
Harleigh Clark, a 5th grader in Calais wanted to be an author.
It's a good thing she's got an in and a ton of talent. According to WABI5, Harleigh's grandmother is a book publisher. So when you have a dream of writing a book, that's a great source. Her grandmother Lanette Pottle, told WABI5,
After we talked a little bit about what that would mean, we decided we’d go ahead with the project, but that it wouldn’t be all fun, that there would be a lot of work, and there would be things that would be hard.
Harleigh was up for the challenge.
It only took a few months later and Harleigh reached the number one spot on Amazon’s International Bestseller status with her book, 'Can You Teach Me?'
Harleigh says it's about a little girl named Kinsley who wants her sister to help her with three things - braiding hair, baking, and doing cartwheels. What's really neat is that this was kept under wraps. Harleigh said,
Well, nobody knew about my book until like the week it was getting published because I kept it a secret all along. And my parents say I don’t know how to keep secrets, but that’s proving them that I can.
That's a tough secret, especially because Harleigh was super excited. But her parents knew she was having meetings and talking about the book, but the actual story and details were very top secret. But what Harleigh wants is to help more young authors to follow their dream.
When I know I’m helping people, or even just encouraging people, it makes me feel great inside, and it makes me feel important.
She just had a book signing at Crumbs Cafe and Coffee Bar in Calais a couple of days ago. With the storm, they knew that the crowds could be small. Nope. They came from Canada and Machias to see this young author wonder and she sold out of books!
That gets Harleigh closer to funding a laptop so she can keep pursuing her dream of writing. But she's got a big heart and part of the proceeds go to help her community's local food pantry. She loves writing but isn't sure that's what she wants to be when she grows up. Ya gotta remember...she's only 10! Whatever Harleigh does, be prepared to have her be your boss.
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