Maine Teacher Placed on Leave After Allegedly Breaking into Bangor Funeral Parlor
With Halloween on the brink, it seems something strange always happens this time of year. We may have survived the creepy clowns since last year, but I'll admit, I've been haunted a lot less than I'd like to be.
However, a teacher from Hampden Academy in Maine has potentially made his way into the Halloween spirit by allegedly breaking and entering into a Bangor funeral parlor, according to an article by WMTW.
As stated in the article, the suspect, Jacob Joy, 24, was identified from a surveillance video allegedly breaking glass, assuming to enter the building. He has reportedly been place on administrative leave.
I guess my thoughts are what exactly does he teach? Anatomy? Did he need something besides frogs to dissect? If it really was him, maybe he was trying to find some last minute décor for some real frights?
The article also said alcohol was a factor in the alleged incident, but I'd like to believe there may have been a demon possession taking over the accused senses. You know, because it's Halloween and all.