My New Million Dollar Idea, The Boobie Coozie! What’s Yours?
I'm always looking for different ways to make refreshments available and contained. So, from the inventor of the Booze Bag, (that's me!), I give to you the Boobie Coozie! This is Carolyn from Naples modeling my prototype at Sunday's ZZ Top Show. It seems that Carolyn usually stores her beer in her bra while using her hands to light cigarettes, apply lipstick, do her taxes, vacuum, walk her dog, pump gas, make lasagna and curl her hair. The difference between her regular bra and my Boobie Coozie is the addition of gel cooler packs that also act in a push up capacity to enhance what momma gave ya'. I'll be applying for a patent and auditioning for Shark Tank. I need all the support I can get. See what I did there? Support?...
What's your million dollar idea that you talk about after drinking a few beers from your bra? Share it with us here and we promise not to steal it, because we are friends.
Rice Krispies treats now have a version with Mini M&M's in it. Dina Burley and I came up with that idea in 1987! She sent me this text on Saturday.
Just sayin'...