Portland Lez Zeppelin Show Gets Rescheduled for Third Time-Now July 2021
We feel so bad for all of you who have been missing your live concerts in New England this summer. This was supposed to be an epic week at Fenway Park with Motley Crue, Def Leppard, Joan Jett, Poison, Weezer, Green Day, and Billy Joel all scheduled to play. Obviously, a no go, but we rockers are a relentless bunch and we will keep at it until we can all come together and rock again. Our thoughts and thanks go out to all the bands and venues out there who have been forced to cancel or reschedule and sometimes both and more than once! Take, for example, Lez Zeppelin. Four amazing women who do the coolest Zeppelin tribute show around. Lez Zep was supposed to play the now-closed Port City Music Hall on March 20th. That show got rescheduled to September 11th (remember back in March when we thought this would be all over by the Fall?). And now, the show has been rescheduled to July 17, 2021, at the wonderful State Theatre in Portland. The third time will be the charm!
From our friends at the State Theatre Facebook Page:
You don't need to do a thing as all tickets to the original 2020 dates at Port City will be honored for the 2021 date at the State. If you purchased Preferred Seated tickets, we will have a preferred seated section with a private bar for the State Theatre show. We encourage you to support our venue by holding on to your tickets. Refunds will be available for 30 days upon request at point of purchase. Thank you for your continuous support.
Lez Zeppelin has done a few drive-in shows this summer amongst some wicked cool quarantined performances. Check this out: