Shout Out to the Awesome Maine DOT
We hope you're getting through these crazy times of late. Know we are here for you with great music and up-to-the-minute information. We're also doing "shout-outs" on the air. This can be for a business that needs to get a message out right now or it simply can be a "thank-you" for any individual that you want to recognize.
Here's a shout for the Maine Department of Transportation. They will be out there tonite plowing snow and continue to do important work to keep us all on the roads. These brave folks CAN'T take a break right now. THANK YOU MDOT! You all rock!
We received this today:
MaineDOT Commissioner Bruce Van Note released the following statement today:
At MaineDOT, our top priority is always safety. Not only does that mean the safety of our workers, but it also means the safety of our production partners and the traveling public. The current challenge does not change that. Road crews still need to plow snow, help first responders during traffic incidents, cut brush, and fill potholes as the weather warms. Capital projects still need to be designed, put out to bid, and constructed.
The dedicated men and women of MaineDOT are still working - most are doing so remotely or have jobs they can do outdoors. In all cases, we are following the advice of medical professionals when it comes to social distancing and other efforts to slow the spread of COVID-19. We have updated our Continuity of Operations Plan, made some changes to the way we receive and open construction bids, and temporarily limited some public access to our facilities. For more information about this, please visit www.mainedot.gov.
These are challenging times, but overcoming challenges is what we do. You can count on MaineDOT to continue working to responsibly provide a safe and reliable transportation system in Maine.
NOTE: While some states have ordered the shutdown of non-essential services, most, if not all, have exempted the maintenance, operation, and construction of projects related to transportation infrastructure.