Skateboarders in O.O.B. are Stoked as Park Expands
According to News Center Maine, the wildly popular Old Orchard Beach Skateboard Park will be expanding to accommodate the crowds of boarders.
The park was built in 2015 and the skateboard community continues to grow. The park expansion should be completed by next summer. In the meantime, a very cool event is happening there on September 22nd, the 4th Annual Thrash Bash. It sound like a great time; free food, live music from Zombie Beach, prizes and an art station for kids. Dust off your Spicoli Vans and check out the Old orchard Beach Skateboard Park.
I had a brave moment in 1987 when I tried to skateboard. Not being incredibly athletic and lacking a basic sense of balance, my attempt was a huge fail. Also, the person giving me "lessons" had about 6 Michelob Lights in him. Yes, he was a drummer.