Scary Footage Shows A Small Plane Crashing Right Onto the Ice in Maine
I've always been a bit leery of flying.
Which is funny, because the first time I ever flew in a plane, it was a small personal twin-engine plane a friend of my mom's owned. We had a death in the family, and there was no option for me to get home to my family quickly, so my mom's friend flew down in his plane to get me. It was quite the ride, but it was nice to get from Portland to Bangor in about 40 minutes.
As I got a little older, I became much more intimidated by the process. To the point that I now ask my doctor for meds before I have to fly. It makes everyone happier. And I'm not convinced there's gremlins on the wing and stuff. It's a win-win for all parties involved.
This video footage from Emeebee Lake will put hair on your chest.
While it's true I'm kind of afraid to fly in general, small planes freak me out the most. When I saw this video you're about to watch, I couldn't believe my eyes. It's kind of everything I'd ever be scared of. Like crashing into the water would be awful, but on the ice? I'd be afraid of going through and being trapped. Check this out. So scary...
This area is sort of halfway between Milo and Millinocket, just off of Route 11. In this video, you see the plane try to take off, but there seems to be some trouble getting airborne, and just crumples into the ice and looks like it slides up onto the shore. According to the video description, both occupants had minor injuries and walked away from the accident.
Truly amazing, really. It's not very often you see footage or hear about a plane crash where everyone walked away basically unscathed. I can't say this does much for my fear of flying, but does prove not all air accidents are catastrophic. But still, doesn't your heart stop for just a second? I know mine did.