Here’s How You Can Help South Portland, Maine, Clear Over 600 Fire Hydrants From Snow
How about that recent snowstorm? Fun, right? Or maybe, not so much?
It certainly won't be the last one in Maine for the season, so buckle up for even more mountains of snow to blanket the state.
And sure, you're probably all prepped and ready to go with your shovels and snowblowers as any good Mainer would be. Gotta keep your driveway and walkway clean, of course.
But one city in Maine needs a little extra help each time snow decides to take over the area.
South Portland needs help clearing out its fire hydrants.
It's easy to forget all the other things that need to be free from snow, especially when we're so focused on our own stuff.
But imagine if there was a fire and that hydrant was buried under a mountain of white powder? Not good.
That's where you can come in and help out.
According to a Facebook post from the City of South Portland, the city has over 600 fire hydrants that "need to be cleared of snow after every storm where more than 2 inches accumulate."
That's a lot of fire hydrants!
And if you're banking on, "well, the city has someone who can do that," you're sort of right, but it's not that simple.
On-duty firefighters and paramedics clear the fire hydrants in the city as part of their regular duties, you know, like responding to fires and medical calls. Imagine how difficult it is to do those things on top of clearing a fire hydrant.
No one else is brought in to help out, so South Portland is asking for you to adopt a hydrant.
All you have to do is simply clear one out like in the picture provided in the Facebook post, and that's it. Doesn't cost and thing, and it helps the city and those super-busy firefighters and paramedics out so they can focus on the big things.
And if you want to name your adopted fire hydrant, that's up to you, just know that if it's clear, you're helping out as any Mainer would, and the city and its staff are super appreciative.
South Portland is not the only place that needs help either, so be sure to check out your town or city and see if you can help out!
Get ready for the next snowstorm.