I have a very difficult time concentrating and staying alert during meetings. It has nothing to do with the person speaking or the material being discussed. It's a phenomenon that happens when I am expected to not fidget or talk. In my silence I become acutely aware of the way the conference room lights give me a headache, I can hear and feel my breathing like I do when I'm about to drift off-and
The Zombie Apocalypse is on! According to a new survey, the average person wakes up at 6:30 a.m., leaves for work around 7:20, begins to feel human at about 8:40, but is not completely awake until 9:40! A scary amount of people don't even remember their drive into work, 60%...
Kids are master negotiators when it's time to tuck in and let Mummy and Daddy watch grown up TV. Netflix did a survey and found that the average kid stalls for over 19 minutes while parents try to get them into bed.
Here are their most popular wiley techniques...