These Two Boston Bars’ Trash Talk Get Warriors’ Steph Curry’s Attention
Title town, I love you.
There is nothing that gets me more riled up than a little city trash talk before a big game. And truthfully, not biased at all, nobody smack talks quite like Boston.
After game five of the NBA finals, when the Celtics were handed their third loss to the Golden State Warriors, Steph Curry was seen wearing a shirt that said "Ayesha Curry can't cook."
What exactly is that referring to?
Well, "the message on his shirt is in reference to a handwritten sign that was sitting on the sidewalk of a local sports bar in Boston named Game On! at Fenway Park," according to a CBS Sports article. "The sign read "Ayesha Curry can't cook."'
Ayesha is Steph Curry's wife. This is hilarious.
I know some may think this is offensive, and they are entitled to that opinion; however, this is a harmless and outrageously creative chirp. And in true New England fashion, another Boston bar hoped on the trash talk train as seen in this Tweet.
The sign on the left in the Twitter picture is another chirp, but this time with kids involved. Deuce Tatum is Jason Tatum's son. Riley Curry, you guessed it, is Steph Curry's daughter.
I, again, think this is harmless and hilarious trash talk. Perhaps the kids should stay completely out of it; however, no one was hurt, no bad imaging, and nothing really offensive here.
Boston sports fans never cease to amaze me with their loyalty, passion, and willingness to put down the other team no matter the cost.
Go C's.
Correction: An earlier version of this story incorrectly stated that Cisco Brewers put up a sign featuring the Ayesha Curry message. However, it was a different Boston bar/restaurant that put up the sign using a Cisco chalkboard.