This Untouched Maine Home Will Take You Right Back to the ’60s
Even if you didn't live through the '60s, we all know the signature home deco style of the decade. Wood paneling on the walls, wrought iron drawer handles, linoleum counter and shag carpeted floors, pastels all over the bathroom. You may remember it from your great grandma's house or from the first apartment you rented on the seedy side of town.
It's rare that we see a '60s style home that's still in great shape and unchanged from its original brown and baby blue, which makes the untouched lake house in Camden, Maine all the more special. Right off the bat, that octagonal shape tips you off that this is no ordinary home.
Inside, you get all the quintessential features of the '60s. That throwback patterned kitchen floor...
The flowery wallpaper, ruffly curtains, and baby blue fixtures in the bathroom...
Best of all, the lake house features a conversation pit, a designated sunken area that was popular before the age of big screen-centered living rooms. The pit has benches, cushions, coffee tables, and a fire pit that makes for the coziest conversing nest. It even includes nautical lighting in true '60s style.
On top of the classic '60s interiors, this lake house has a gorgeous view of Megunticook Lake and is on the market for $799,000.
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