Tommy’s Coffee Break Calendar for February 28th
A 50th Anniversary edition: take a look at the neat-o stuff all on this same day in 1970...
2/28/1970 (50 years ago today) - The fake name was even worse: Led Zeppelin was (semi-) forced to play tonight's show in Copenhagen under the tongue-in-cheek name "The Nobs" because Eva von Zeppelin, a relative of the original airship designer Ferdinand von Zeppelin, threatened to sue if the family name was used in Denmark. Save those ticket stubs!!!
2/28/1970 (50 years ago today) - A great example of how, sometimes, a song is way more than "just a song", and this one was practically its own movie: Simon & Garfunkel start six weeks at No. 1 with the beyond-ultra-classic single "Bridge Over Troubled Water" -- The full-length album, which topped the charts in over ten countries and sold over 25 million, was Paul & Art's fifth studio LP; it would also turn out to be their last...
2/28/1970 (50 years ago today) - They were so new, they hadn't even come up with a name yet: When David Bowie's latest group performed at the Basildon Arts Experimental Music Lab in Essex, England, they were advertised (rather drearily and at the last minute) as David Bowie's New Electric Band. Eh. That's what they came up with?!?! Weird fact: Iron Butterfly were also on the bill!
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"Your time has come to shine...", xoxo!