Just Look At How Mega-Huge The Monkees Really Were, Plus…
It's possible we would have been capable of doing something...anything(!) to have been at this gig -- One of the '60's biggest selling first-go-rounds was...? -- You've got an ultra-classic-rocker birthday to celebrate today -- Try not to spill anything on your Nov. 12th Coffee Break Calendar here...
11/12/1962 (58 years ago today) - The Beatles appear at the Star Club, Hamburg, Germany, sharing the bill with none other than Little Richard! Honest, we'll spend our children's college funds if you can get us into a time machine...
11/12/1966 (54 years ago today) - Okay, maybe "Last Train To Clarksville" was the only notable track on here, but it's the start of something...: The Monkees debut album takes over the top spot on the Billboard chart while selling over 3 million copies in three months, an amazing accomplishment for the time considering the competition and what you used to have to do to purchase vinyl music back in the day -- It was the first of four Number One LP's for the group, holding onto the No. 1 position for 13 consecutive weeks, after which it was displaced by the bands second album! Yes, The Monkees were unabashedly and unflinchingly huge. Big. Massive. Huge.
11/12/1945 - When it's (frankly) all too much, we just keep it simple: Happy Birthday to our leading candidate for all-time favorite Canadian, Neil Young, 75 years old today -- And if the "After The Gold Rush" LP isn't on your Top-Ten-To-Take-To-A-Deserted-Island-'Til-You-Die list, you are probably browsing around the wrong web site. Just sayin'. Now prepare yourselves to be 100% gobbed-smacked by this video:
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"Look at Mother Nature on the run...", xoxo!